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No Entry

November 8, 2014

‘No Entry’ is the title of the second poem in my sanctuary series. The poem was developed from a series of exercises on the theme of ‘home’ in Roselle Angwin’s Writing the bright moment (Fire in the Head:2005)

No Entry
Sliding home the bolt
I turned round to find
a flight of stone steps
descending into darkness,

fumbled for the switch
which flickered with a click,
flooding the cellar
with violet light,

inhaled the dank dust,
tiptoed to the bottom,
peeped around the corner
of the white-washed wall.

I did not intend to trespass
on your private world
but the door was unlocked
and I needed a place to hide.

As this collection has been written along a fantasy poetry plotline similar to those used in ‘Twisting in the Land of Light’ and ‘Masquerade’ (, next week’s post will reveal ‘what happened next’.

In the meantime, you might like to try the following process to generate new writing:
1. Free write on the theme of ‘home’
2. Review the piece and create a list of keywords from it
3. Look for complimentary and contrasting words
4. Look for connections between words
5. Decide what to add or remove from the list of keywords
6. Look for an angle on the theme
7. Use this to develop a first draft

Good luck!

From → Poetry

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